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Acronyms & Terms

Acronym Description
ADP Average Daily Population
BIR Basic Information Report (offenders)
BJA Bureau of Justice Statistics
CAPA Christian Association for Prison Aftercare
CBP Cognitive Behavioral Program
CCAB Community Corrections Advisory Board
CCIS Community Corrections Information System
CJIS Criminal Justice Information System
CJRP County Jail Reimbursement Program
CMH Community Mental Health
COMPAS Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sentencing
CPS Comprehensive Plans & Services

Community Service Work


Drunk Driver Jail Reimbursement Program

DOJ Department of Justice
D/R Day Reporting
EM Electronic Monitoring
FIA Family Independence Agency
FOA Field Office Administration (Dept. of Corrections)
FOC Friend of the Court
FTA Failure to Appear
GPS Global Position Satellite (for Electronic Monitoring)
HOA Habitual Offender
HYTA Holmes Youthful Training Act
ICCA International Community Corrections Association
ISP Intensive Supervision Program
JPIS Jail Population Information System
JPM Jail Population Monitor
JTPA Job Training Partnership Act
LEIN Law Enforcement Information Network
MAC Michigan Association of Counties
MACCAB Michigan Association of Community Corrections Advisory Boards
MCA Michigan Corrections Association
MCCD Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency
MCL Michigan Compiled Law
MDOC Michigan Department of Corrections
MDOCH Michigan Department of Community Health
MOR Monitor On Release (Pretrial)
MPRI Michigan Prisoner Re-Entry Initiative
MSA Michigan Sheriff Association
MSP Michigan State Police
NAPSA National Association of Pretrial Service Agencies
NIJ National Institute of Justice
OCA Office of Community Alternatives
ODCP Office of Drug Control Policy
OMNI Offender Management Network Information
OUIL Operating Under the Influence of Liquor (3rd Offense - Felony)
PA Public Act
PBT Preliminary Breath Testing (for alcohol)
PLUS Prisoner Leave Under Supervision (Sentenced)
PPO Personal Protection Order
PO Probation/Parole Officer
PR Personal Recognizance (Bond)
PRC (S) Probation Residential Center (Services)
PSI Pre-sentence Investigation
PTS Pretrial Services
PV Probation Violation
SA Substance Abuse
SAI Special Alternative Incarceration (Boot camp)
SGL Sentencing Guideline
Intermediate Cell - Sentencing Guideline Range min 0 - max 18
Straddle Cell - Sentencing Guideline Range min <13 & max ³ 19
Presumptive Prison Cell - Sentencing Guideline min ³ 13
SIR Sentencing Information Report
TPCI Transition from Prison into the Community Initiative
TRV Technical Rules Violation (MDOC Center for Parolees)
VOP Violation of Probation
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